The Ultimate Surfing Spots in Lombok and Gilis

Lombok and Gilis

Experience the thrill of riding the waves at the best surfing spots in Lombok and Gilis.

1. Gili Air

Gili Air is one of the three Gili Islands known for its picturesque landscapes and laid-back atmosphere. While not a famous surf spot, Gili Air does offer decent waves, making it suitable for beginner and intermediate surfers. The best time to surf in Gili Air is during the dry season when the swell is more consistent. There are also surf schools on the island, offering lessons and board rentals for those who want to try their hand at riding the waves.

2. Gili Trawangan

Gili Trawangan is the largest and most developed of the three Gili Islands. While it is primarily known for its party scene and vibrant nightlife, it also offers some surfing opportunities. There are a few breaks around the island that cater to different skill levels. Goodheart Reef, located off the coast of Gili T, is a popular spot for experienced surfers seeking challenging waves. For beginners, Turtle Point offers more mellow waves to practice on.